Custom loader
You can customize your loader/offline/unavailable/splash message. It also has pull-to-refresh feature.
Clean Interface
It uses a native menu, with native sharing options and allows native content search. Compatible with HTML5 video playback.
Google analytics is incoporated so you can follow all your useres habits and behaviours.
Customize to your taste
You can customize all colors, icons, images, dialogs, text, menu options and many other things, without a single line of code.
Save money
Avoid having to pay thousands to a developer team. Admob banners and interstitial ads are incorporated with no coding required. Android Gingerbread up to Lollipop compatibility.
Allows LITE mode option if you have a lowend version of our site. Users can also change text size or enable/disable HW acceleration for better compatibility.
JS injections
If you which to have things diferent from your website like hide elements that make no sense in an app scenario (like menus, headers and footers), you can add JS injections to aplly those changes in realtime.
Cloud backoffice with AndroidButler
Frankendroid uses AndroidBulter API. You can get user feedback, customize welcome/update/maintenance messages and manage other app lifycle options.
All this and much more with no coding required.